Wednesday 15 July 2009

War Movies

I love war movies, especially world war two war movies, i find the period of time interesting and War movies usually have great action. I also love them because it keeps a very important part of world history in the minds of all, sacrifices men made, they gave their today so we could have our tomorrow, and they should be remembered.

I love watching old war movies such as The longest day, Bridge too Far,
The Guns of Navarone, Patton..... the list goes on. The reason why i love older movies is that generally they are truer to the facts.

These days however Hollywood etc decided not the make movies based on fact to make money, now I'm all for the these movies being popular and getting people to remember this stuff happened, however with more and more movies that have come out, most based on fiction, or the worst of all, based on achievements made by other allied forces shown as American accomplishments. One of the greatest examples of this is The Great Escape, a great film mind you, however shows an American inmates as the main planners, while the story of which it was based was one of British and Commonwealth forces escaping.

There are many more modern examples of Hollywood stealing history of allied forces accomplishments such as Saving Private Ryan, Film based on a British story, changed to suit Americans

U 571 story of Americans capturing a German Enigma Machine which was actually a British Achievement which saved the lives of thousands of allied lives, this was one of the direct insults to British Veterans, although after finding out that the movie he made was a complete distortion of the truth he did apologize for what the movie suggested

Now i could also pick at the MASSIVE amounts of errors in Micheal bays Pearl Harbor (harbour you bloody yanks) but the simple part is that Americans that made that movie thought that, Americans Won the Battle of Britain, a whole fucking year before they even joined, obviously perfect logic, while I'm not saying that there wasn't Americans flying in the RAF during the Battle of Britain because i know that there was, as there was lots of allied pilots from around the world that joined up to the RAF for the battle, However the American numbers were Less that 4% of the Non British Pilots flying, so i fail to see how they believe they won that one.....

now I'm not saying that Hollywood doesn't have the right to make movies, using what they call, 'Artistic Licence' however whats happening in today's society is that youth of today are watching these movies and getting a very inaccurate telling of History.

Meh i could rant on about lots other movies but I'm getting to lazy to type more lawl

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